Different margins for odd/even pages

Sometimes you may want to make margins different for odd and even pages, for example, if you want to put music in a ringed binder, and thus want to offset the printing on the pages to avoid the holes in the paper. While you can't do this directly, you can get the desired effect by using appropriate macros, and then printing the odd and even pages in two passes.

In the Mup input file, put something like this:

	// if the WIDELEFT macro is set,
	// make the left margin extra wide,
	// otherwise if WIDERIGHT is set,
	// make the right margin extra wide,
	// otherwise make them equal.
	else ifdef WIDERIGHT
	endif endif

Then when printing, print in two passes. First print the odd pages:

mupprnt -oodd -DWIDELEFT file.mup

Then turn the paper over and print the even pages:
mupprnt -oeven -DWIDERIGHT file.mup

This idea should work as long as the sum of the left and right margins are equal between the WIDELEFT and WIDERIGHT parts. Otherwise you may get different numbers of measures on each page in the two runs, and you'll end up missing or repeating measures.

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