Diagonal slash marks

Sometimes, instead of a note or notes, a diagonal slash mark is printed on a staff. This is used for various purposes, such as strumming a chord (in a guitar part), or to mean that the previous beat should be repeated or that a note should be improvised. Mup does not support this directly, but you can simulate it.

It is most convenient to define a macro as follows for drawing a slash mark:

define SLASH(LOC)
	wide line (LOC.x - 2, LOC.y - 2) to (LOC.x + 2, LOC.y + 2)

At any point where you want a slash instead of a note, use an uncompressible space ("us"), and set a location tag on that chord (not on the space itself). Then call the macro with that tag. For example:

1: 2g; 4f; [=h] us;

If you often have entire measures of slash marks, another macro will be useful. For example, if you are in 4/4 or 2/2 time and would like a slash at each quarter note, you could do this:

// Define a general macro to print a diagonal slash
// relative to a location tag.
define SLASH(LOC)
	wide line (LOC.x - 2, LOC.y - 2) to (LOC.x + 2, LOC.y + 2)

// Define a macro that sets up 4 uncompressible spaces
// with locations tags on each,
// then prints a slash relative to each tag.
define SLASHMEAS        [=h] 4us; [=i]; [=j]; [=k];

// Now use the macro

Picture of Mup output

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